Budget 2020

The Malta LGBTIQ Rights Movement (MGRM) cannot but express its disappointment at yet another missed opportunity to allocate an appropriate budgetary contribution towards new medicine for the care and prevention of HIV in the 2020 Budget Speech. This further emphasises an institutional failure in the commitment towards ending the HIV epidemic.


Based on the omission of any reference to HIV treatment in the budget speech, the community affected by HIV cannot but ask whether it will, for yet another year, be receiving the same outdated treatment which has long been struck off from international guidelines issued by EACS and WHO.

Equally questionable is an implied decision not to make preventative treatment such as PrEP more accessible to the community, notwithstanding proven track records elsewhere in Europe of drops in new HIV diagnoses as a result of better access to this treatment.  Not least, PEP, taken as an emergency treatment following suspected exposure, is expected to retain the same irresponsibly high cost of €600 per treatment, with patients known to have been turned away as a result of the cost, at the risk of a perfectly avoidable seroconversion.

MGRM remains committed to fully represent the community, and give a voice to every person affected by HIV. Visit www.hivmalta.com if you are affected by HIV or  if you wish to read about how to get tested, and how to prevent HIV. Get in touch with the Rainbow Support Services on 9925 5559 if you feel that you need support.